You could book your facials individually such as the Elevate 90, Glass or Black Diamond Facial via our website. You may also email or call us to get treatments from your package started.
VIP Level-Up Package
Designed To Bring The Most Efficient Results
It is the worlds most technologically advanced facial treatment known internationally for getting the skin red carpet ready. It incorporates 40 days worth of home-care into one single treatment infusing essential nutrients
New features & modernized functionality to deliver an enhanced, intuitive user experience and optimized safety.
Safe & non-invasive treatment.
Great for hydrating dry skin
Treatment targets fine lines & wrinkles. This facial will elevate your skin
Frequently asked questions
Have questions? We’re here to help
How Do I Book?
Yes, we could see your purchase on our end. Just let us know that you'd like to use up your package treatments when you come in! We'll also keep track and remind you of your sessions.
Does This Package Expire?
Yes, our Open House Packages do in fact have a time limit but don't worry, you have two years to get your treatments done. Expire by end of 2025.
780 College St. Toronto, ON.
(416) 537-3232